No, You Shouldn’t Always Focus on the Bottom of the Funnel I'm a big believer that the difference between “writing” and “content marketing” is revenue. Content marketing is writing that serves... read more
6 Low Effort, High Impact Content Ideas We’ve written before that there is often little correlation between the time spent on a piece of content and the... read more
Write for the Lurkers The 1% rule is the idea that only 1% of participants in an online community actively contribute content, while 99%... read more
How to Fast-Track ROI From Your First Blog Post It’s a misconception that content marketing takes three months, or six months, or even a year to be valuable. Content... read more
The Second Mover Advantage in Content Marketing Look for the North Star on a cloudless night and you’ll see a picture of the universe from 323 years... read more
Yes, You Should Talk About Your Competitors Podia is no stranger to competition. In fact, many of the company’s best-performing pages—from both an organic search and a... read more
You Need a Nemesis It isn’t always enough to cast your company as the hero—sometimes, you also need a villain. DHH’s recent spat with... read more
The Auteur Theory of Content Marketing: Why It Pays to Repeat Yourself It takes about 30 seconds to recognize a Wes Anderson film, care of the pastel colors, symmetrical framing, and oddball... read more
GPT-3 is the Sparring Partner You Didn’t Know You Needed You probably haven’t read the whole internet. Slacker.GPT-3 has. It’s read all of Wikipedia, even the article about Berserk llama... read more