We’ve just launched a new service: on-demand consulting for your content team.
We’ve just launched a new service: on-demand consulting for your content team.
Most of the in-house content teams we talk to share the same handful of challenges: Traffic has plateaued or even dipped. Articles never quite make the first page, and the trickle of conversions they generate rarely amount to meaningful revenue.
The crux of these issues: in industries already saturated by content marketing, good content just isn’t good enough. When you’re up against a dozen other companies with bigger blogs, bigger budgets, and bigger teams, your content needs to be truly world class to compete.
That’s where we come in.
You can now work directly with our team of strategists, writers, and editors to get feedback on every facet of your content marketing—strategy, editorial calendar, style guide, articles, you name it. We’ll help upskill your team with the lessons, strategies, and tactics we’ve developed from working with over a hundred companies, including Hire by Google, Shopify, Wistia, and AdEspresso.
In short: we’ll help you improve your content, outperform your competitors, and get greater ROI from your efforts.
Learn more: on-demand consulting for your content team.
Content marketing today is harder than it’s ever been.
For one, you’re competing against companies with a head start. The poster children of content marketing have been blogging for a decade. The low-hanging fruit has been plucked—in most industries, owning a topic or ranking for a lucrative keyword means going head-to-head with a dozen other companies.
On top of that, many content teams function as a department of one, without the input of other writers, editors, designers, or strategists.
There’s a reason pair programming is so common in software development: collaboration between peers leads to greater creativity, fewer oversights, and better outcomes.
Even in big companies, content teams are often painfully siloed, or else they’re torn between serving myriad teams and departments.
At Animalz, we spend all day, every day, solving these problems, and we’ve shaped this new service to offer ongoing feedback in the three crucial areas where most in-house content teams lack it:
We’ll pair you up with one of our content strategists to answer the big question lurking beneath every content marketing strategy: how can you generate more new business from your content?
We’ll show you how to radically differentiate your content from your competitors. We’ll work with you to overhaul and improve your entire content strategy—from content calendars to persona docs to keyword research—and we’ll share the framework we use to continually adapt strategy to the changing needs of a growing business.
Struggles with article ideation, structure, and writing mean that great strategy often dies on the vine. Our editing team will help you develop repeatable processes for creating world-class content, on demand.
We’ll share feedback on outlines and early drafts, helping you create polished, purposeful articles (and avoid copycat content). We’ll teach you how to optimize articles for reader engagement and search performance, and we’ll share the guiding principles that have helped us generate millions of pageviews with unique, contrarian content.
There’s no substitute for the experience of someone who’s been there, done that. We’ll help you level-up your content team by sharing our experiences growing Animalz to 50+ marketers and holding senior content roles at companies like Help Scout and QuickBooks.
We'll answer your questions and help you tackle the biggest content marketing challenges around: hiring content marketers and refining your team structure; scaling your content operation to support a growing business; refining your strategy, editorial, and distribution processes; and accelerating your own marketing career.
We’re excited to get this new service into the world.
We’ve experienced the need for ongoing feedback and mentorship firsthand, both through our customers and through our own past experience as members of in-house teams. Now, we can provide that guidance, helping content teams grow their businesses and level-up their careers.
If you’re looking to improve your content marketing and think you’d benefit from working with our team of expert strategists, writers, and editors, check out the landing page and schedule a time to chat with us.
Learn more: on-demand consulting for your content team.